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Wonder what Congress thinks of the CEO’s attitude toward ‘taxpayer money?’

Send this to your Congressmen, thanks!


3 Responses

  1. Warren I am not worried about taxpayer money, why are you so concerned?

    Certainly giving empty foreclosed homes away to homeless vet RAMBO types who defended your freedom is more important than preserving the purchasing power of that bowling score in your wallet. In fact I think the zoning codes where you live need to be revised so that no one person or group of people can have more the 500 square feet of living space per capita. Any person or family that has more than that is required to take in illegal aliens or homeless people until that ratio is achieved.

    Then if you have 2000 or so square feeet of space I can send 3 homeless vets to live with you so you are within the laws. Gonna fix this homeless problem fast, Like RBS – Make It Happen Warren.

  2. my point is only that Congress has decided to create and sustain a variety of markets and the agencies have been given profit incentives that, if followed, would help Congress meet it’s goals.

    you seem to continuously take my statements out of context.

  3. “my point is only that Congress”

    Congress – 535 humans being influenced by billions of dollars in corporate interests and 40,000 special ineterest/lobbyist groups – how can so few crony corrupted folks help joe 6 pack? Government has not scaled to properly represent the growth in population of its citizens. We need 250 states, dispersal of that concentrated power – then individual votes will have much more sway over their elected agents – any monetary regime you can devise under this flawed government with too much concentrated power always leaves foxes in charge of henhouses – until YOU WARREN get government changed – all your monetary efforts are a waste of your life and time and mine and everyone else’s. Whenever you say congress – a switch in my brain immediatly clicks and I think by proxy – large rich elitists.

    “has decided to create and sustain a variety of markets”

    Yes, big global megacorps exist beyond borders – they exploit all their paid off representatives to do whatever it takes to keep one new world order cooking.

    “and the agencies have been given profit incentives that, if followed, would help Congress meet it’s goals.”

    Unfortunately congresses goals are not my goals, but increasingly seems to be the goals of people I don’t like who are very elitist. I am tired of seeing so many people being taught from birth by marketing brainwashing that keeping ahead of the materialistic jones’s is the purpose of life – pathetic.

    “you seem to continuously take my statements out of context.”

    A claim I have levied against many others over the years – the form of communication loses lots of context all over.

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